About This Game In GamersGoMakers, you found a little company creating the first video games in history. Create your first game with only basic sound and simple graphics available in the year 1980. You´re one of the pioneers entering the rising global market for computer games. At the beginning, there are only few genres you can pick for a game to create, later you have plenty of options for more genres and sub-genres.You start in 1980 creating one of the first computer games in historyGo your own way: Be a developer, designer, producer, artist or composerChoose your starting location. Each starting location has its own characteristics, which may give you a benefit of some kind in play. Optional start in 1990 or 2000, choose from 3 difficulty levels31 genres of games to choose fromReal influence on creating games (find the genre matching game parts out of 15x4 options)Intelligent game reviews give you hints about what to improve for next game in same genreSales are influenced by trends, platform market share, competitor´s performance and many moreYou can create patches, addons, sequels or a new edition for a different platformHire up to 26 employees with specialisations in genre and/or platformRich role playing elements: level up your character and employees in 21 different skillsLearning by doing: Your employees gain levels in skills by takig part in projectsImprove your employees skills additionally by trainings, education programs and specializationsEmployees will ask for more loan, holiday, trainings or they get sick, maybe even quit for a better job at a rival´s companyBecome a specialized company of high renown in a certain genre, e.g. the global number 1 in Shooter gamesResearch new gaming technologiesExpand your business, rent or buy a bigger officeEquip 16 different rooms like studios for sound and motioncapture, labs and marketing officeUpgrade your rooms several times as time advancesCompete within a global simulated games market - hundreds of simulated competitors release gamesWin awards for game of the month/game of the yearConsoles and platforms retire from the market...except you create a game hit extending the platform´s lifetimeBuy out your rival competitors: Let them work for you or destroy themWin achievements and beat the global highscoreBecome a publisherVisit conventions or create your own conventionPimp your games with "real" actors for voice acting, soundtracks and motion capturing!Pay up to 30% tax per annum...and many more features for a very deep gaming experience!If you are not sure whether you can run the game or not or you want to try out the game before buying it; there is a free downloadable demo available on the website here. 1075eedd30 Title: GamersGoMakersGenre: Casual, Indie, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:gnifrebel Games UGPublisher:gnifrebel Games UGRelease Date: 8 Aug, 2014 GamersGoMakers Crack A more complex version of Game Dev Tycoon which is a plus but the user interface is too clunky. It lacks polish and ease of use.. This game is better than Game Dev Tycoon. You can buy studios, choose what the studio can do and more.What's the future of it? I can imagine more!The development team can make something more in future? Like 3D World, game preview... Think: You're making a funny game and after would can see someone crazy with funny face hahaha :). Very addictive game. I would say I like it as much if not better than Game Dev Tycoon. Pretty much the same just with a diff look and slight diff feel to it. It is still in EA so if your uncomfortable with that just wait till it hits beta or something. Its still a very fun game atm not even finished. I just hit $1.2b with my company "Next" and all I sell are adventures, war strategies and consoles. This is my third play threw so far and best as well. I finaly know what im doing lol. The trick is to focus on 2-3 diff game types, ex: adventure, strat and rpg or something then just juggle them around so you dont build the same type back to back and youll make plenty of money this way.. The game was growing very fast, and becoming one of the best, but they gave up. If they had pushed on, they'd have made it big. I almost tried to install the game and pick up their game assets & try and finish\/polish some stuff for them, but I quickly realized that'd be almost impossible. I really wish someone could finish it.Don't buy this game, they gave up on it, so should you.. This game when it first came out had alot of promised and I was quite excited for it. But as time went on there was little to no positive interaction with the community and the developer abandoned this game. Furthermore recent events have made it clear that the developer just sees the game as free money and doesn't really expect to do much of anything and get reward out of it.. I\u2019m simply going to talk about this game, instead of talking about how it\u2019s a carbon copy another game called \u201cGame Dev Tycoon\u201d. It\u2019s not, but let\u2019s concentrate on the game at hand.GamersGoMakers (not a great name, I know) is made by a small indie development team, and graphically the game is simple and cartoonish, which is to be pretty expected. The graphics do the job enough, though, because pretty graphics are not the most important thing about management sims, which is basically what this is.You can start your game from several points through history, but I think you\u2019ll get the most out of it by starting back in 1980. You begin your career as game developer as a one-man\/woman team. Over time \u2013 with success and no small amount of luck \u2013 you\u2019ll expand into larger premises which enable you to open specialist departments, such as a design office, a development office, a sound studio, etc. You\u2019ll have to hire staff to fill the positions, who help you to make your games. Your staff \u2013 yourself included \u2013 have skill stats, which you can improve by doing training as well as through the act of making games. The higher their stats, the higher their wage, but if you want to be churning out those big AAA games then you\u2019re going to need the best you can find. Don\u2019t be afraid to fire people so you can hire better staff members as they become available.You can choose from an increasingly wide range of game genres, such as action, adventure, strategy, etc, most of which also expand into other options, such as \u2018action, shoot-em-up\u2019. You need to decide where to place your emphasis with the game, such as graphics, game play, AI, sound, etc. For example, shoot-em-up actions don\u2019t require a lot of emphasis on writing, but game play and graphics are very important. At first, you\u2019ll be making games with the wrong emphasis in the wrong areas, but as you gain experience and can hire a producer, you\u2019ll have a better idea of what to do.After you\u2019ve finished your masterpiece, you release it to the world, where you\u2019ll get your all-important review. You\u2019ll get rated out of 10 for your game play, graphics, writing, etc. The higher the better, of course. But you\u2019ll also get a percentage score out of 100. Anything over probably 70% you can consider you did okay; anything under is a swing and a miss. Lastly, you\u2019ll get some comments on the pro\u2019s and con\u2019s of your game. A few dud games in a row early on in your career can send you bankrupt very quickly. Consequently, the early years are the most difficult and precarious.As of the current version \u2013 which I believe is version 1.1 \u2013 there are definitely bugs in the game. But it\u2019s not just bugs that are the problem. It\u2019s not very intuitive or informative in telling you what areas you need to be emphasising and what areas are unimportant, even after you\u2019ve made games in that genre a few times. For a comparison, \u201cGame Dev Tycoon\u201d reveals more and more information on a genre the more times you do it, until you have a very good idea indeed on what you need to do. It not only tells you what\u2019s important, but what\u2019s not important. GamersGoMakers doesn\u2019t make that clear enough in my opinion.The good thing, though, is that the developers have expressed a desire to release patches and even DLC\u2019s so I\u2019m hopeful that the worst of the problems will get ironed out.If you\u2019re like me and played \u201cGame Dev Tycoon\u201d, liked it a lot but also found it a little frustrating because of how limited it was, then you\u2019ll like this. If you\u2019ve never played \u201cGame Dev Tycoon\u201d but are interested in the idea of becoming a game developer bigwig then you\u2019ll like this game. It\u2019s not perfect but patches will certainly go some way towards this, and even as it is, I find it a lot of fun and rather addictive!. unfinished game that was never completed. Play other game dev game they are better.
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